Landscaping with Purpose: Attracting Wildlife to Your Rural Property

Making the move to a rural lifestyle can be an exciting and fulfilling experience, but it can also come with its challenges. One of the most intriguing aspects of rural living is the abundant wildlife that surrounds you. If you are new to the area or have recently transitioned to living the rural life, it is essential to assess the wildlife population on your land. This knowledge not only helps in understanding the ecosystem but also allows you to take necessary measures to prevent conflicts with wildlife and protect your property.

Importance of attracting wildlife to your rural estate

Wildlife in your property can be a great way to enjoy the beauty of nature and connect with the natural world. It can also be an excellent educational tool for children and adults alike, providing opportunities to learn about different species and their habitats. Furthermore, the presence of wildlife can enhance the value of your property, making it more attractive to potential buyers or renters.

Understanding Wildlife Needs

To create an environment that allows animals to thrive, you must provide them with the essentials they need to survive. 

Food Sources

Food sources are essential for all kinds of wildlife, as they are necessary for survival and growth. The diversity of the food sources available in an ecosystem is directly proportional to the diversity of the wildlife that inhabits it. The primary sources of food for wildlife are plants and animals, including insects, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, and other small animals. 

The availability of food sources varies seasonally and regionally, which affects the distribution and abundance of wildlife in a particular area. Ensuring the availability of food sources for wildlife is crucial for maintaining healthy ecosystems and biodiversity.

Water Sources

From the smallest insects to the largest mammals, all species rely on water sources for hydration, cooling, and other vital functions. It is crucial to understand whether you have an existing water source in your property, or if not, how to build and maintain one. 

Also, water quality and availability can be affected by various factors, such as climate change, habitat loss, and pollution, which may not be ideal for the wildlife you are trying to bring into your property.

Shelter and Cover

When attracting wildlife to your property, it is important to provide shelter and cover for them to feel safe and secure. This can be achieved through planting native trees, shrubs, and flowers, which not only beautify your landscape but also provide food, shelter, and nesting opportunities for different species of birds, insects, and mammals. 

Providing birdhouses, bat boxes, and nesting boxes can also attract specific species and provide safe spaces for them to raise their young. Additionally, creating brush piles, rock piles, and log piles can provide cover and shelter for small mammals, reptiles, and amphibians.

Breeding and Nesting Sites

Creating suitable habitats for breeding and nesting is essential for the long-term survival of the species you wish to attract. This requires careful planning and consideration of the specific needs of the species in question. Providing appropriate vegetation cover, nesting materials, and suitable locations for building nests or dens are all important factors to consider.

Landscaping Techniques for Attracting Wildlife

Planting Native Vegetation

One of the most effective landscaping techniques for attracting wildlife is to plant native vegetation. Native plants are adapted to the local climate and soil conditions, so they are more likely to grow and populate the area better than non-native species. They also provide essential food and shelter for local wildlife, such as birds, butterflies, and bees. 

When planting native vegetation, it is important to choose a variety of plant types to provide different habitats and food sources. Lastly, it is important to avoid using pesticides and fertilizers, which can harm wildlife and their habitats.

Creating Water Features

Installing a small pond or bird bath can provide a source of water for birds, amphibians, and other animals. It is important to choose the right location for your water feature, taking into consideration the amount of sunlight and shade it will receive throughout the day. Adding plants around the water feature can also provide shelter and food for wildlife.

It is essential to properly maintain your water feature to prevent the growth of algae and bacteria, which can be harmful to wildlife.

Providing Nesting Boxes and Habitat Structures

Nesting boxes provide a safe and secure shelter for various bird species, such as bluebirds and woodpeckers. They can be placed in trees or on poles in open spaces. Habitat structures such as brush piles, rock piles, and hollow logs provide refuge for animals like rabbits, squirrels, and snakes. These structures should be placed in areas that receive adequate sunlight, are away from human traffic, and are close to a water source.


Composting is a highly effective landscaping technique for attracting wildlife to a garden or yard. By creating a healthy and nutrient-rich soil, composting encourages the growth of plants that provide food and shelter for a variety of wildlife species. This process is environmentally friendly, as it reduces the amount of waste that would otherwise end up in landfills. 

Composting also helps to retain moisture, which is essential for plants and animals alike. In addition to promoting biodiversity, composting improves soil structure and fertility, which leads to healthier plants and a more beautiful landscape overall.

Fencing the property

A well-constructed fence can serve as a boundary for animals, creating a safe space for them to roam. Fencing can also be used to create a barrier between potential predators and prey, ensuring that wildlife can safely inhabit the area. When selecting fencing materials, it is important to consider the environmental impacts of the products used. 

Using natural or recycled materials can help to minimize the impact on the surrounding ecosystem. Likewise, creating gaps in the fence or using permeable materials can allow for wildlife to pass through, further promoting their presence on the property.

Wildlife Species to Target


Attracting birds to your garden or yard can have numerous benefits, including pollination, pest control, and a sense of tranquility. To create a welcoming environment for target birds, it is important to consider the types of vegetation, water sources, and nesting opportunities that will appeal to them. 

Planting native shrubs and trees that provide food and shelter is essential, as is providing a water source such as a bird bath or fountain. Also, installing birdhouses or nest boxes can encourage nesting and breeding behaviors.

Butterflies and Moths

To create a butterfly and moth-friendly garden, it is essential to focus on the plants and flowers you choose. Native plants are best as they provide food and shelter for caterpillars and butterflies. Incorporating a variety of flowers with different bloom times ensures a continuous food source. 

Water sources such as bird baths or small ponds also attract butterflies and moths. Avoid using pesticides and herbicides as they can harm beneficial insects.

Bees and Other Pollinators

Landscaping techniques can also be used to attract bees and other pollinators. These creatures are vital for the health of ecosystems and the pollination of important crops. To attract them, it is important to create a diverse landscape with a variety of flowering plants, including native species that are adapted to the local climate.

Just like other animals, bees need water, hence they engage in areas with available water sources, such as birdbaths and ponds. 


There are several landscaping techniques that can be implemented to specifically target mammals. One technique is to incorporate native plants into the landscape, which will provide food and shelter for mammals. 

Creating a diverse range of vegetation heights and layers – such as shrubs, grasses, and trees – will provide different habitats for a variety of mammal species.


Attracting wildlife to your rural property is crucial for several reasons. It helps to maintain a balanced ecosystem. Wildlife plays an essential role in pollination, seed dispersal, and pest control, all of which contribute to a healthy and vibrant environment.