How do I Tell if My Houseplant is Getting Too Much Water?

Several small potted plants on a wooden table

It may sound simple but watering your houseplant has its do’s and don’ts. Watering their plants is something many people struggle with doing correctly. This is because there are many variables that a person needs to counter to make sure the plant does not die because of excessive or insufficient water.  Overwatering … Read more

How Many Farms Are There in the US?

A farm is a space of land where animals are raised, and crops are developed as a source of food, fiber, and fuel. Individuals who own and work on the ranch are called farmers. A Farm ordinarily has structures where machinery like farm trucks, tractors, and supplies are put away. A few … Read more

How Big of a Garden do I Need for My Family?

Planning out a garden for your own family can be a bit technical, but it is worth the time and effort. Depending upon your family size and your current garden, you might need some extra space to fulfill your dream of an optimal garden.  Are you tired of buying and eating fruits … Read more

Best Plants for Bright Spaces

A house becomes a home when you feel an instant comfort the moment you step inside. It should scream your personality and taste in décor. Living in a house is one thing, but to own it, you’ll have to put your heart and soul into it. Some people like to live a … Read more

How Much Fruit Does an Apple Tree Produce?

An apple a day keeps the doctor away, a well-known saying that reveals the significance of this fruit bestowed upon us, a simple blessing in disguise. It is a pome with lavish red, green and yellow skin that covers the ripened edible ovary. Their diameter falls around 5 to 10cm when harvested.  … Read more

Tips for Keeping from Getting Stung When Raising Bees

Why do you think people raise bees? One of the main reasons is the extraction of fresh and natural honey to consume and sell. People often keep many hives to run their businesses as it can also be a source of income rather than just a hobby. Bees play an important role … Read more

How Much Fruit Does a Mango Tree Produce?

The name mango is derived from the Latin word Mangifera indica; If we translate it, it means mango-bearing plants and trees from India. At first, the Indians used to call mango Aamra-phalam, but later it became mango. In other countries, mango is also pronounced and known as mangot, mangou, mangue, and manga.  … Read more

Which Countries Have the Most Farmland?

Ever since civilizations started to form, humans have been actively growing crops for their benefit. Farmlands are our basic life necessity. They’re found all around the world. After facing various famines and scientific revolutions, we have expanded the lands we could use for farming. Now, farmlands form the economic backbone of many … Read more

How Much Fruit Does an Orange Tree Produce?

The orange tree belongs to a species of small trees that fall under the genus citrus category in the Rutaceae family. As the name gives it away, orange trees produce the “orange” fruit. The orange fruit has a leathery touch on the outside, and its rinds are often oily as well. The … Read more

Best Cactus Varieties to Grow Indoors

Cacti make a great indoor plant, and once established, they don’t need a lot of water and extra care. Almost all cactus plants have a dormant period in the winter season when you are supposed to reduce the quantity of water supplied and limit the light levels to some extent.  Whatever the … Read more