Reasons Why You Should Eat Breakfast Each Day

Far too many kids go to school on an empty stomach every day. As if that is not bad enough, even some adults show up at their workplace in the morning, hungry and cranky. Not having breakfast first thing in the morning leads to low productivity, decreased attention span, high irritability, and moodiness. All of this negatively affects workplace performance and hinders learning.

Of course, the opposite is true when you do have breakfast in the morning. Apart from a better mood, attention, and productivity, there are many other benefits of breakfast as well, just as there are also other disadvantages of skipping the first meal of the day.

Let us look in detail at the reasons why you should eat breakfast every day.

Helps Kickstart Your Metabolism

After a whole night of sleep and no food, breakfast is the breaking of the body’s nightlong fast. It helps jump-start your metabolism, which then allows you to burn more calories throughout the day. When you have breakfast first thing in the morning, it tells your body to burn calories actively. Skipping breakfast leads the body to conserve calories.

Boosts Energy Levels

In our bodies, energy is provided by a molecule called glucose. Our body obtains glucose by breaking down carbohydrates from food. Excess glucose is stored in the body as fat, but some glucose is stored as glycogen in the liver.

When the body is in a state of fast during the night, it starts to break down glycogen molecules in the liver, which release as glucose in the blood, hence keeping the blood glucose levels stable. If you go without food for more than 12 hours, the glycogen stores start to deplete. If you don’t have breakfast in the morning, all the glycogen is used up, and the body begins to break down fat.

However, without the presence of carbohydrates in the body, fatty acids can be oxidized only partially, which results in lower energy levels. Eating breakfast in the morning helps replenish your energy levels and keeps you fresh and active.

Can Provide Important Nutrients to the Body

Breakfast can provide your body with essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber. That is if you choose to have a healthy breakfast. If your idea of breakfast is a brownie with a cup of coffee, then that won’t be nutritious or healthy for your body.

Essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, folate, B vitamins, and fiber are present in ample amount in breakfast foods, and you are more likely to meet your daily nutrient requirements if you have a healthy, nutritious breakfast. Skipping on breakfast, you will find enough energy in your body to make it to the next meal but would still need to meet the daily recommended vitamin and mineral intake to stay healthy and fresh.

Helps Maintain Body Weight

People who regularly eat breakfast have healthier weights and are less likely to be obese. Breakfast might help you control your weight because it prevents huge fluctuations in the body’s glucose levels, allowing one to control their appetite. When you have had a healthy breakfast in the morning, it becomes easier to turn down high sugar and high-fat foods at work or school later in the morning.

Promotes Heart Health

Skipping breakfast often leads to snacking on unhealthy foods in the morning and corresponds with poor diet habits; thus, people who don’t have breakfast often gain weight. This leads to high cholesterol levels and high blood pressure, which can significantly contribute to heart disease.

Eating healthy grains, fruits, and vegetables can improve heart health.

Boosts Brainpower

Our brain relies on a constant supply of glucose (energy) to function. When glucose levels drop in the blood, brain activity is also affected. If you don’t have breakfast, you might find it hard to focus, feel sluggish, as well as cranky. According to research, missing breakfast hampers mental performance, including the ability to concentrate, attention span, and memory. The result of this is that tasks seem harder than they normally do.

Research shows that children who have breakfast regularly do better academically as compared to children who don’t. They are able to really connect with teachers and other children, which leads to better health and improved academic performance.

Helps You Fight Cravings and Eat Healthier

When you eat a healthy, fulfilling meal in the morning, it sets the tone for the day. Most people who have breakfast daily also make better food choices the whole day and generally have better diets. They are also less likely to want to snack during the day.

On the other hand, if someone skips breakfast, they are more likely to snack in the late morning or in the afternoon. These snacks are often unhealthy and contain lots of sugar, salt, fat, and very low nutritious content.  Having breakfast can help you avoid such unhealthy snacks.

However, if you absolutely cannot have breakfast, then you can try nutritious snacks such as yogurt, fresh fruits, or wholemeal sandwiches.

Reduces the Risk of Health Problems

People who regularly skip breakfast are at an increased risk for various health problems, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. Regular consumption of breakfast can help the body fight against illnesses in the long-term.

Helps You Take Control of Your Life

Finally, having a meal in the morning helps you take charge of your life. From waking up on time and preparing a healthy meal to staying fresh and active at work/school, a simple morning meal can help you feel organized and in control. Further, it is a way for you to improve your long-term health.


The many benefits of breakfast include improvement in mood, concentration, memory, and energy levels. Having a nutritious, fulfilling breakfast in the morning helps you avoid unhealthy snacks later in the day and leaves you feeling great.