Common Container Gardening Mistakes You Should Avoid

a tomato seedling with droplets of water

Gardening comes in various methods than the usual and traditional in-ground gardening that we know. There’s aquaponics, hydroponics, raised bed gardening, square foot gardening, straw bale, and container gardening. Whatever method you choose, there are always pros and cons. Container gardening is ideal for maximizing your space, increasing productivity, and utilizing a … Read more

Common Herb Gardening Mistakes You Should Avoid

Coriander seedlings

Gardening is one of the best ways to maximize a vacant space in your yard, balcony or patio. Besides being economical and practical, it is also therapeutic and useful, especially for older people and those suffering from anxiety. You truly can save money by growing your herbs because you use them almost … Read more

Square Foot vs Container: Things You Should Know Before Building Your Garden

plant seedlings

Gardening has been gathering attention recently as more and more people flex their Instagram-worthy gardens all over social media platforms. Most popular of these are square foot and container gardens. Square foot gardening is a technique developed by Mel Bartholomew who incorporated his engineering skills and ideas to gardening back in the 1980s. … Read more

Which Vegetables are the Most Suitable for Container Gardening

spinach sprout in a pot

It’s always guilt-free to consume foods that you know are clean, healthy, freshly cooked, and even freshly picked from the garden. Indeed, your body will receive the full health benefits of it. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables comes with a price, especially when you are eating in a restaurant or a hotel … Read more

Which Vegetables are Most Suitable for Hanging Baskets?

green lettuce, lettuce leaves

Hanging baskets is a vegetable gardening method that uses the vertical space of gardens to create more garden space. It’s an excellent solution for gardeners who lack horizontal space and use containers instead. As with any other type of container, hanging baskets are great for growing vegetables; but some are specifically suited for it. It’s not … Read more

Guide to Container Gardening in Tight Spaces

red chili pepper plant in a pot with a black heart design

Growing fruits, flowers, herbs or vegetables do not require a huge space. As long as you have the right soil, sunlight, good air circulation, seeds, seedlings or cuttings to plant, and containers, then you are ready for a fun container gardening! When you engage yourself in the fun and wonderful world of … Read more

The Basics of Container Gardening

Flowers grown in old containers

From cultivating your own coffee plants so you can enjoy picking the fruits, drying them, and processing until you can enjoy sipping a cup of your coffee every morning to growing your own berries for fresh juicing – container gardening is one sustainable way of maintaining a healthy, practical, and economical living. What container is ideal … Read more

Guide to Fruit Tree Container Gardening

cherry fruits on a cherry tree

Picking fresh fruits from your yard or your garden makes you feel good. Besides that, you can save money from buying fruits from the groceries; you can simply spare a little time in cultivating vegetables, berries, coffee trees, and other fruit trees. Do not fret if you only have a small yard … Read more