Which Vegetables are Most Suitable for Hanging Baskets?

Hanging baskets is a vegetable gardening method that uses the vertical space of gardens to create more garden space.

It’s an excellent solution for gardeners who lack horizontal space and use containers instead. As with any other type of container, hanging baskets are great for growing vegetables; but some are specifically suited for it.

It’s not hard to look for a hanging basket. All you need is the standard peat moss-covered wire basket that has a chain. If you want to get creative, you can take an old colander, watering can, or wicker basket; add a chain, and you’re good to go. It doesn’t matter as long as they have drainage holes. Do note that when choosing a basket, you should choose one that can support the weight of the plant you’re growing and water. Also, baskets hanging from chains work better than ones from plastic hooks.

Prepare your hanging basket with a liner and make sure there are enough drainage holes in both the basket and the liner. Make sure to be very diligent in watering your plants because hanging baskets dry out quickly and are common in container gardening. Vegetables that grow too heavy or too tall couldn’t be planted in a hanging basket, but there are still several smaller vegetables that won’t break it.

So which vegetables can you grow in a hanging basket?

Tomatoes, lettuce, and eggplants are suitable for growing in hanging baskets. The list also includes cabbage, chives, mustard greens, and many herbs.


Tomatoes are popular vegetables for hanging baskets. Some of its varieties are bred just for this purpose. One example of such is the Torenzo Hybrid Tomato. Tomatoes planted in containers need lots of water and nutrients, so it’s best not to overcrowd your hanging basket with more than one tomato plant.


Lettuce plants do well in hanging baskets since it’s not just lightweight, it’s also easy to grow. These vegetables also enjoy the full sun but during the Southern summer, make sure to move them somewhere with more shade. This prevents the leaves from getting bitter and wilting. Make sure to place the hanging basket with your lettuce in it in a location where you could about reach them since it is usual just to snap off lettuce leaves needed for a meal. So placing them in a reachable place is very convenient.


Spinach is also great for hanging baskets. You could try planting three spinach seedlings or thin some sowed spinach seeds into three plants. You could try putting them in a triangle layout. This gives individual plants enough room to grow.


Chards are gorgeous leafy greens that are related to beetroot and spinach. They are incredibly nutritious, and they even have colorful stems, which makes them incredibly attractive crops that help brighten your home.

They also come in rainbow-hued varieties.


These deep purple, glossy vegetables have a unique taste and texture. These vegetables belong to the nightshade family. This family of vegetables also include bell peppers, potatoes, and tomatoes. The manner they grow in is just like tomatoes. Eggplants hang from the vines of plants that grow for around several feet in height.


Chives are perennials that are easy to plant and problem-free. These vegetables are great for baked potatoes, salads, and soups.

The easiest way to plant chives is to get a chunk of them from an already grown plant. If you want, you can also just buy a potted plant. If you have seeds, you can start them as such, but it will take you longer- about a year or more- before they become big enough to harvest. Once a clump is established, it can then be divided into smaller clumps. This will help you in creating more plants.

Growing chives doesn’t demand that much attention. Chives grow best in full sun when they’re planted in rich, moist soil, but they also grow even in part shade. When it comes to fertilizing, these vegetables do not require much. You could put organic fertilizer by doing a little slow-release during planting time, which will keep them happy for about three years or more. Also, during these years, you can divide the clump. Each clump is made up of several little plants, that resemble a tiny onion.

You can hang baskets under the eaves of your house, but depending on which way your home faces, the plants might be on the shady side. But don’t worry, not all vegetables require full sun. Some vegetables are grown for their leaves like lettuce, swiss chard, and spinach that live well in part shade.

Always remember the light exposure your plants will get from where you are hanging the baskets. Plants like eggplants, peppers, and tomatoes need high levels of sunlight and high heat. Meanwhile, spinach and lettuce thrive better in lower light levels.

There are also upside-down hanging planters designed for some green beans, peppers, and tomatoes. These planters allow the specific plants to grow straight from their bottom and prevent the stems from bending due to gravity.

There are a variety of types of hanging vegetable baskets on trying. The best vegetables for hanging baskets are the ones not exceeding the planter’s diameter by a lot, or those that can drape over the edge if they exceed it.